11 Aug

Had a Bad Day? …..

If you have had a bad day, it is just a bad day, and you HAVE NOT failed. Failure is not the failing; it is the staying down.

When things are going well, we feel elated. When hardships come, we sink into depression. But true joy transcends the rolling waves of circumstance. Joy comes from a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. When our lives are intertwined with his, he will help us to walk through adversity without sinking into debilitating lows and manage prosperity without moving into deceptive highs. The joy of living with Jesus Christ daily will keep us levelheaded, no matter how high or low our circumstances (from the Study Bible Commentary on John 15:11)

John 15.11

11 Aug

Weeds…the Continuing Series…(and video)

More weed lessons:

  • Weeding on your own gets a lot. Weeding with another gets double or more. Weeding with a team gets most or all.  Weeding on your own takes time; Weeding with another, or a team, takes much less time than on your own. Weeding on your own, depending on your circumstances, can be pretty thorough; Weeding with another can be much more complete.  There is a method to weeding that takes full focus.  Weeding is painstaking at times, and having help will take some of the load off. If there is a team, each member can be put into a particular task area; each area will be able to perform with more energy and detail. With weeding on your own, you can end up weeding with less detail because you have the entire garden to tackle.  Weeding, whether on your own or with help, should be performed with great care, with the goal of completeness; there needs to be a regard to every detail, not superficial or partial.
  • There is a side to weeding that can be unwelcome or unpleasant, yet it has to be done. When you weed thoroughly, and the area looks clear, there is a hidden seed, unseen, that will show itself days later. It is a nuisance. It is utterly, downright maddening sometimes. We must never leave it unattended, or forget to check on it.  The grass and the weeds will always be there, in the soil, in the air, outside the fence, or in the corner, and they will come back, or new ones will grow in the place they were pulled.


11 Aug

Weeds…the Process…Part 2

Pulling Weeds Lessons I have learned from weeding in my garden:

  • The weed in relation to allergies such as alpha gal: What I feel alpha gal and other food allergies, intolerance and sensitivities are in the garden, and my mission to wipe them out so that they cannot reproduce again. This is my coined nickname now for alpha gal: a weed.
  • The weed in relation to life situations, people and things: Must stop in the moments and pull the weed, even when we do not want to stop, take care of it and go on.  When I stopped in the moment to take care of a situation, or approach a person with an issue, the ending was always good. When I catch myself not saying or doing anything, turning my back or face to a problem person or situation, (going silent or leaving after a disagreement with a friend or my spouse, walking on when there is trash in the trail)  it never ends well, creating a lasting bruise or sever in friendship, or scar, and creating a tougher thing to fix.
  • Weed before you water, before it rains: If we water before we weed, the weeds will flourish with the fruit, causing the fruit to produce less because the weed takes away from the fruit. Weeds and grass will consume the majority of the water and deprive the fruit of its needed moisture and nutrients. Watering a weed creates more weeds, bigger weeds, weeds with deeper roots.  If we weed and then water, or are aware of the skies to weed before the rain, then the fruit gets the water.
  • Weeding must be complete, with root and all parts with it: The soil must be knocked off the weed roots or the weed will find a way to re-root. (ie: pull weed from close to ground to get root, or use a tool to dig it up completely, and then make sure it is turned upside down, root up, and soil knocked off) Weeding takes time, but it is worth it in the end. Weed the small stuff and the big stuff; the small stuff is what hides and becomes bigger when left alone or thought to be too small to worry about. Take the time to weed all strands of grass, tiny two leaf weeds, etc. Get the weeds when small because it is easier to weed them with your hands and takes less time.
  • Weeding must be continuous: We have to be out in the garden daily to pick the fruit, yes, but also to take the time to weed. If we are weeding every day, then there is not chance there will ever be a take-over, and our fruit will last longer and be more abundant. Our fruit will rule the garden when the weeds are continuously taken out.
  • Weeds grow around the plants, but sometimes they come in from the sides and walkways: We can overlook many weeds when they are outside our “circle” of produce/fruit/vegetables, such as fences, areas where plants are finished producing for the season, areas where we have picked out the produce plants (beets, carrots, root veggies, greens,etc.), areas outside the fence. Weeds can vine in from far outside the garden growing under the plant then choking it from the inside out…this is where we have to follow the vine and dig the root from its outside source, and not just cut the vine inside the fence.  Weeds and grass will grow in the walkways and trenches, spreading toward the good plants slowly and gradually.  We can leave them be because they are not “near the plant” but they take from the plant from that short distance and they eventually grow out of control surrounding the good plants, creating a long hard weeding process later, or a “too overwhelming” situation (and then the plants die slowly and fruit less).
  • Weeds choke off the water ways: I have trenches in my garden for the water to go out, so that I do not have my plants flooded in big rains. Weeds grow in those trenches first because they are wet longer, but also because trenches are protection from the elements.  Waterway drains must be weeded regularly to avoid choking off the protection from a flood in the garden.  Weeds choke off water, and food, from all fruiting plants.  Weeds, even small, literally suck the water from the soil and the plants around them.
  • A GOOD THOUGHT FOR WEEDS: Weeds can be turned into something good for the “community”, or garden. When I pull weeds, I turn them upside down onto the old mulch, and they then become good mulch, good nutrition and cool ground for the roots. Weeds can be converted into something good for the garden.
  • Hidden evils under weeds: Weeds can look fine where they are, and not be a problem. They can however, be hiding some bad stuff under them. I pulled a bunch of weeds out and it revealed a den of fire ants! I had to extinguish the fire ants, leave the weeds for a while because if I touched the weeds in that spot, there would be bad consequences for me. We have to be aware of what is under the weeds. Snakes, wasps, other insects, crawlers, and spiky weeds can be under or around a weed; when there are groups of weeds, roots are deep and they are tough to pull, but groups also create dangerous situations. Take care and be aware.
  • ONE MORE: Weeds and grasses are beautiful inside and out, just as all plants. Good loving management keeps them from hindering, challenging, or altering the face and growth of the fruit and vegetation.

Pulling weeds

Read Part 1 of Weeds, the Process.


04 Aug

Weeds…the Process

I have made a few videos on my Natural Helping Hands Facebook page on the subject of weeds. (click on the titles to view them)

I am developing a book with this subject as the theme. I am developing this from the perspective of food allergies, namely the one I have “alpha gal.” If you have followed my blogs and my videos you have learned much about alpha gal already. If you do some research in my blog posts and my Facebook pages, you will find the best resources, truths, about alpha gal. I have been learning how to deal with food allergies like never before. I have never been allergic to anything in my entire life, except kerosene. This has rocked my world! I now understand to the bottom of my soul how this all feels, the risks it involves, the minute by minute care it takes, and the constant battle of risk behind every bite of food we take in.

I intend to write everything that has been messaged to me from the Father of all creation on the subject of weeds in hopes to give you a perspective on what I have come to coin as a nickname for “alpha gal” (mammal food allergy): a weed.

Weeds and wildflowers can be found just about anywhere. While some weeds are well worth the trouble of removal, others are actually attractive and useful.

Weeds are simply plants growing in the wrong place. Some wildflowers are nothing more than weeds while others provide crucial sustenance to wildlife.

There are two types of weeds—annuals and perennials. Annual weeds grow faster, typically spreading by seed and die out within a year. Perennial weeds are more difficult to control, as these weeds usually have extensive root systems that can cover large areas. They also come back every year.

Look for new blog posts to learn all the lessons I have learned from weeding in my garden, and how it is related to food allergies like alpha gal. In this process, we will find a way to “weed” the weed of food allergy out of the body for good, creating a way to eat the foods we so long to have again. Come with me on my journey. Find empowerment in your journey. If we have this a while longer or if we find ways to come out of it, please share those with me in your feedback to these posts. Please share this with your friends and family.  Together we will grow stronger no matter what ails us.


05 Jun

I am Writing a Book!!!

The past year my life has changed so much my head spins. I am not alone. Overnight, 70 percent of my diet and the foods I loved were no longer something I could enjoy. I have some things to say, to vent, to teach, and to search out. I have a story that is one among thousands. I am on a mission to find a cure, to find a way to combat this and drive it out of me. The thing that rocked my world: alpha-gal mammal allergy! It is mind boggling! I have had menopause food sensitivities, hormone food sensitivities, and more, but nothing like this nasty thing.

I am writing a book to help those with food allergies and sensitivities find healing and positivities in what they can eat. I am writing a book to let others know they are not alone. I am writing a book to bring to light something that we think cannot be dealt with. I am writing a book to drive home the message to restaurants, activity coordinators, friends, and family members to be aware and make options for these people. Life is tough when we cannot eat anything and have to ask about the ingredients everywhere we go or bring our own food everywhere; it is humiliating, embarrassing, maddening, and exhausting. I have stories of establishments (will be named in my book), who went out of their way to create a menu item for me because I chose to ask! The more I ask the more I find that people will make something work for me. I have been humbled in my frustrations.

I am writing a book to shove the fears out and pull in our internal strengths. I am writing a book to show the Father of all does have our best interest and will make a way for us when we act on His core voice, for it is His voice that has given me life where I thought I had lost and had no way out.

I AM WRITING A BOOK. Follow my blogs and teachings and updates.

By the way. I am using all my modalities and knowledge and connections to find this cure for Alpha-gal mammal allergy. Explore my web page for what I do. Also, watch for Pinterest to see the cookbook I am beginning and the video blogs I am beginning to make on this very “sensitive” (pun intended) subject. 🙂

Live well, Be well, Listen to your intuition.

02 Mar

come one come all :) live, laugh, learn, teach

There is fun stuff on the horizon!

Do you struggle with cooking? Do you crave home cooked meals and healthy choices? But you tell yourself, or you think that cooking is not your thing?

Do you want to learn some simple, do-able, new ways off the plate to improve skin, body tone, face tone, eyes, indoors and outdoors? Do you think you are too busy for this stuff? You are not alone. It is possible, and I want to show you how!

One day Program for caregivers:
A great class for parents or caregivers. It is an informational, interactive time, to learn how to deal with the many challenges of family nutrition in a world that promotes junk, fast food, and pharmacy. Let’s get healthy.

Classes for caregivers with babies:
At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.
Learn massage techniques for calming, healing, bonding, making stronger and smarter babies. Gather some friends and set a plan to take a 4-week course. Registration is now open for March 2017 classes.

AND MORE… PLEASE share this information with your friends. Take a little time for yourself to learn and share, and create new stories for your future and the future of your loved ones.

For more information about any of my upcoming classes, visit the Class Information and Registration page.

26 Jan

Massage Your Baby, and Reap the Benefits in Yourself

I have massaged my own children from birth, with techniques and patterns, and have reaped the benefits of it in more ways than I can count.  I love massage and what it can do for people.  Just think about how massage makes you feel when you have a good, solid, specified massage.  I have had total lock ups in my core and QL (lower back), and other areas of my body, that have opened up completely after massage specified for the area of the body in need.  Just think what this will do for your baby or child.

I am here, helping parents to learn to massage and nurture their babies. It is much more than learning strokes. It is a profound way to:

  • Help babies get off to the best start for healthy growth and development
  • Support parents’ sensitivity to their baby (i.e. the parents understanding of their baby’s emotions and cues)
  • Encourage parent-baby interactions and parents’ capacity to support their baby’s regulation
  • Support parents’ adaptation of strokes as their child grows
  • Reduce symptoms of postnatal depression
  • Relieve stress
  • Increase school readiness
  • Help the whole family get off to the best start.

Make an investment in a lifetime of benefits for your child and yourself.   I say yourself because when your baby is healthy and happy, or calmed from symptoms or complications, you are less anxious and able to move through your days with confidence.

Register with me. If you are in a location other than Russellville, AR, contact me to discuss options (even to the extent of live video feed).

Jeana Anderson,


08 Jan

notes for life…evil and good

hello everyone.

You are amazing. You were made by a most wonderful creator. You have power to call upon at any time, at any moment, against any peril, for any blessing, and with Love that surpasses all understanding behind it all (or in front of it all).

I am sitting here, making supper, and listening to the mayhem in the other room coming from a movie. I will not name the movie, but it has been deemed one of the greatest book to movies.

I have always been mostly good at looking away from bad things, or not partaking in activities that were not exactly down a path that would be enhancing. The older I have grown, the easier it has been to keep away from music that was not pleasant to the ears, or say no to movies that were less than teachable.  I became stronger in this after becoming a mother, taking every moment to be particularly careful of the things the kids watched and listened to, creating strong foundations in what was good from the early years, so that when they were older, they could choose well and with wisdom; this has worked well, yet they do fall to the “curiosity” of a great book series or movie that the world has deemed a greatness.  I sit here with the sounds in the background, listening to encouraging music in my ears to wash out those sounds, and wonder, “what is so appealing about that stuff?” What is so intriguing about it all, all that the world makes up? I do understand that evil loses in the movie, but does it really? Those pictures and those words and that music will forever be in the minds of those who have viewed and listened to it.

Satan shows himself in full color in those books, movies, and songs;  He grows strong with the weakness of the human spirit: power and wealth (whether in knowledge, money, or magic).  He knows how the human mind can be deceived by that one word, “you will have all power”.  This is a lie of course, but people still fall under the trance, thinking they know enough to keep the upper hand. The human mind has another flaw, as my troop in the other room watching that movie: that they can watch it, knowing it is fake, and not be influenced.  Bhwahahaa! That is a bigger lie than the power lie.

I am here to say that it is possible to turn away, though difficult under all the peer pressure, family pressure, and social pressure.  It is possible to be different, to be in the world and not a part of her. It is possible to have a good life without the those things.  I do not miss any of what I do not take in, and sometimes I do not miss what I have taken in and figure out to be a “misguided influence”.  I have to strive against these things daily just like everyone else, and yet, at the same time, the more I practice focusing on things that matter, the better I become at leaving the others behind.

Live well, be healthy, smile


09 Dec


Letter boxing is awesome! I grew up in the great outdoors of the west, and I have raised my kids to be the same in the great outdoors in Arkansas. We are travelers, sojourners, tourists, and warriors.   We love exploring, in many different aspects, in many different environments.  I want to encourage you to do the same with your family. If you feel overwhelmed with this idea, then begin with LETTER-BOXING. This is a great way to begin the journey outdoors, learning about the communities around you, animal or people communities, city or rural communities.

We have found letter boxes, and some pretty creative stamps, all over Arkansas, South Dakota, New Mexico, Missouri, and other places when we think of looking while traveling. I have been out of practice for a couple years while my kids are moving into the adult world/college, etc, after being home schooled for their entire childhood (they went to college early and are doing well :))

OH! what is letter boxing, you ask?! It is a journey of clues, and detective work.  It is about journalism and being creative.  It is about stamps from all over the country and world.  You create a stamp or purchase a stamp that is unique to you, that you take with you, along with a created or purchased journal, when you go out to find a letter box. You stamp the found journal and leave a message about you and where you are from.  You can create your own boxes with stamps and journals and place them in locations also, but you have to create fun and inviting clues to find the box.  If this is not making sense, just look on LetterBoxing.org and find out all you need to know. It was all started by a person in England who wanted to encourage people to get outside and travel, and “meet” (through the journal) people from all over the country and sometimes world. We had some people from China and other places sign our journals and find our boxes here in AR. It is such fun to go check your box, and check on other boxes, to discover those who have passed by and left their stamp 🙂

I am going to begin a letter boxing blog of the boxes I find and the places I find them. I will not give away location, but I will post pictures and the things I wrote into the journals I find.

Keep up with my Letter boxing blogs to find out where I hide my next one, or where I find one.

Jeana, nature mama, Natural Helping Hands LLC, www.naturalhelpinghands.com

Get out there and EXPLORE




16 Nov


I have found my new heroes! 🙂 I will get older, but no one will know how old 🙂 I will look as good as I feel. I will live, and just live, without world view age junk. I will serve the community. Lets see….I will… 🙂 BE ME.

  • Create a mission.
  • Create a life.
  • Create a new story.
  • Create YOU (you know, the one you should be, and are, without the outside world view of you)

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