25 Jul

Healthy Back

  I’ve been talking the last few weeks about our Healthy Back Challenge and today I am so excited to kick this off with you.  Over the next 5 days I will be sharing valuable information with you through a daily email. Each day we will provide some tips and exercises to help you live a life free from back aches and pains.   For Day #1 let’s talk about how miraculous the human spine is. God designed an elegantly balanced system and foundational support of the entire body. The spine balances our neck, chest, lower back and pelvis to keep our neck, body and legs in alignment. Every move we make engages the spine.   So What Causes Back Pain? The spine is a stack of 33 vertebrae connected and cushioned by cartilage and connective tissue and like other joints in the body, they can experience inflammation and pain. Pain in the back can be caused by long-term impact of injury, poor posture, inactivity, too much sitting or certain diseases.   80% of the population suffers from some type of chronic back pain. Two-thirds of adults age 40+ show disc deterioration and by age 60, 90 percent are affected.   Back aches and pain can result from muscle strain, weakness, lack of exercise, injury or straining the back from too much of the wrong kind of activities. The good news is with proper care, toning and conditioning improving back aches and pain is possible!   As we go through this Challenge, I would love for you to think about why you decided to join. How would less back pain affect your quality of life? What activities do you love to do or would love to get back to doing? Knowing our “why” is what motivates us to stay committed and consistent.   I’m sharing common every day causes of back pain in today’s video.