20 Dec


You have done all you think you can do do get the mess cleaned up in your life and body. What is next? A quote from my book.

“I will not take a back seat to this crazy dis-ease . . . I
will not live with it. I will not agree it is with me
forever . . . I will not believe it is not curable. I will
find the way to get rid of it . . . I have a characteristic
about me that bombs an illness with everything in
my capacity. I stick to a program until it is
completed in healing. My daughter said to me,
“Maybe God allowed you to have this so you can
find the cure.” I believed this, and I will put that
thought into action as the Father gives me the path. I
will not allow fear, lack of personal confidence, or
lack of intimacy with the Creator to cause weeds to
grow in my brain..”

I describe and define moments in the following excerpt, also from my book.

“Moments define us. A defining moment is when you exper ‐
ience something that fundamentally changes you. These
particular moments cause you to tap into your internal
knowledge. Weeds must be dealt with in the moment, before
they have a chance to utilize the nutrients.
Weeds are simply plants growing in the wrong place, where
we do not want them or are not valued where they are growing.
Weeds are commonly called invasive and problematic and have
always existed in our world. Hosea 9:6 says, “Weeds will take
over their treasures of silver; thorns will be in their tents.””

I have written a book to help you through this. Take on the challenge to weed one plot at a time. You will learn so much about yourself, and the way your body heals through your own process.



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