14 Sep

Alpha-Gal Product Awareness

This is astounding. People with alpha-gal (AG) can have a reaction to so many things we never would think of. Use this only as a reference and know that pig and sheep and other mammals have about the same pic but beef is used the most. This may be the biggest plague to mankind food based, because of the masses of uses of mammal.

Everything but the Moo

If you have had reactions, brain fog, triggers, and cannot figure them out, pay attention to this list. I just figured out I was in a vicious circle because my charcoal brand has magnesium stearate and stearic acid (neither veg based); the charcoal works superbly on a reaction but then hours later in the night I had issues from the ingredients setting in. Then, I discovered the vitamin D in the Emergen-C Immune Plus powder (from cholecalciferol), and my glandular was bovine. So, I had a week of circling and because of lack of sleep from it all, was becoming worse. 

I read a post from this group Monday and all of this became clear. I stopped the supplements I had just started a week before, and took regular Emergen-C without D, and have new vegan charcoal on the way.  Sheesh! Thanks to this group and the Savior for all the answers just when we need them! I am continuing to search for a way out of this. Think positive. Do not fear. Stay prepared. Find alternatives. Keep moving forward.

Additional info: 7 Sneaky Animal Ingredients to Watch Out for in Supplements

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