12 Oct

You are in front of “it”…

Conviction = spirit resolving

Condemnation = emotion, shame, Satan led

Romans 8:1 — Talk to your issue, respond to it, convict yourself in the spirit of the Father, and run to the Father, instantly, before the condemnation sets in.

Nothing we do or say is a shock to the Almighty.  One issue may be the 100th time to you (because we go over and over it), but it is not to Yahweh; it is only one, and it is forgiven one, and it is done and gone.

Disappointments and setbacks are NOT the wrong path. Set forth to read the examples of those lives written in the Word. Sit with those who have been where you are, taken hold, and moved forward. These paths are all patterns to follow, for they all were pursuing something set before them, keeping their eyes on the vision and purpose they were to fulfill.  Someone is always behind you. You are a pattern those behind you are following. At the same time, “Pharaoh” (fear, shame, condemnation) is pursuing you. Keep him behind you. David not a man after God’s own heart; David was a man “AFTER” God’s own heart. We read about David incorrectly. David was daily striving with self and others, daily sinning, daily in war, yet He “PURSUED” the word of the Lord. He was pursuing (after), following, moving forward, and constantly becoming the man Yahweh wanted him to be.  We are not to be like David, the man, but to be pursuing after the Father as David did.

Running while looking backward is dangerous; you will fall. The setbacks and disappointments are behind you. the issue is behind you.  When you have said something or done something, or someone has caused chaos in your life, it is done. YOU ARE IN FRONT OF IT!  Look forward, move forward, run toward the Father, and pursue the resolution.

We can go into the world as missionaries, or we can become the mission field.

Our life should be always about the Father’s business, to be seeking his leading, and to know that He took us into His bosom and will keep us there. Our goal is not to look upon the Messiah as our great example; this is a burden. He is the one who took all of our sins. He is the one who erases those sins.  He tears down fear, shame, and condemnation, so that He may build up in us the spirit of power, might and sound mind we were created with.

You are in front of it.

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