27 Jan

New Deadly Virus is Here! What to do to Protect Yourself…

Hi Jeana,​​​

The Coronavirus is making headlines as it sweeps across China and has entered other countries as well.

Similar to a cold or Flu, the virus attacks the respiratory system. “A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most coronaviruses are not dangerous. Some types of them are serious, though.”

The most serious coronaviruses, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) were considered dangerous.

The latest strain of coronavirus (Wuhan) is new, and it’s a bit of a numbers game right now. How many people contract it, and how many people die from it are the numbers that the CDC and WHO look at.

“It’s still early on, but Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, estimates that about 4% of people who contract the Wuhan coronavirus die from it. The mortality rate for SARS was closer to 9 or 10%, and, for MERs, about 30 to 35%, he said.”

The likelihood of contracting coronavirus increases among the elderly and people that have pre-existing conditions (poor immunity, autoimmune conditions, respiratory ailments, asthma, etc.).

The CDC says there is nothing available to protect you against a human coronavirus infection, but you may be able to reduce your risk by doing the following:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick

That’s good advice, but let’s kick it up a notch, shall we?

One of the best proactive things you can do right now before the virus potentially spreads further into the world is to boost your immune system and support your respiratory system.

Here’s how: 

1. Support Immunity Naturally
The immune system is the body’s protector; it creates B lymphocytes (that attack invaders outside the cells), T lymphocytes (that attack invaders inside the cells) and NK cells (killer cells that drop little bombs to destroy infected cells and cause apoptosis or death of the cell). The lymphatic system, loaded with lymphocytes, plus macrophages, monitors and filters out foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. The lymphatic system is kinda like a vacuum cleaner for the body. Your lymphatic system and immune system are intricately entwined and cannot function healthfully without each other. Read on for my 3 easy tips to support your lymphatic system and boost immunity naturally.

2.  Immune Boosting Vegetable Congee
Congee is a type of rice porridge or gruel that has been eaten for centuries to promote wellness. I love this recipe and use it all fall and winter long to keep my immune system up, and my risk of cold and flu down. And, when my clients are suffering from poor immunity this is numero uno on my list of recommendations for them. It’s got shiitake mushrooms that nourish the immune system, bok choy to support the liver and lungs, ginger to promote circulation, ginseng to strengthen the body, and astragalus root as a supreme immune enhancer. But, besides all of that healthy blaghetty blah blah blah… it’s pretty darn delicious!

3Respiratory Support Infusion
If your lungs have a tendency to get compromised easily, or if you are prone to every cold and flu in town, start sipping on these amazing herbs to support your body more deeply. This delicious herbal infusion contains: Mullein leaf – a classic lung nourisher and asthma remedy. It contains a healthy dose of mucilage that soothes and supports the mucous membranes. Schisandra berries – is an adaptogenic herb that has been used for thousands of years in the east. It’s called the five flavored berry and supports all of the organs. Modern studies have shown Schisandra berries to play a beneficial role in respiratory disorders like asthma. Licorice root is soothing to the respiratory tract and digestive system (where a large majority of your immune system lives), plus it’s anti-viral, and it eases congestion from colds and flu. Here’s the easy and delicious recipe for you: Lung and Respiratory Support Infusion

4. Kitchen Remedies for Respiratory Health
At the first sign of a tickle in your throat, or a sniffle, or a sneeze, increase your intake of these three foods that I’ll be you have in your kitchen right now! They will help to ward off bugs and viruses, and potentially bigger threats. Garlic (Allium sativum) is both antimicrobial and antiviral. At the onset of respiratory invaders, it can work like magic to keep them at bay! Oregano (Origanum vulgare) contains thymol and carvacrol, that have powerful antiseptic and antibiotic properties. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) contains volatile oils that are strongly antiseptic and promote expectoration (help you cough out mucus and unsavory invaders). Thyme is an excellent remedy for respiratory infections and coughs. Here are some delicious recipes that contain the above ingredients to get you started: Kitchen Remedies for Respiratory health

Always remember, that besides washing your hands and avoiding people that are sick, there is a multitude of immune-boosting and respiratory remedies you can access right now to keep your body healthy and happy, and able to make it through this coronavirus outbreak.

Wishing you vibrant health,

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Andrea Beaman, HHC, AADP, Chef, Herbalist

Note: Shared from www.AndreaBeaman.com 

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