Purpose, What is Yours?
Ephesians 2:20, Colossians 1:16, Jeremiah 29:11 For we are His Handiwork, to do His good works, with a purpose, each unique.
Satan wants us to misinterpret the “saved by grace” and do nothing. This is far from what we should be thinking. Life is about how desperately we need Yahweh God and the Messiah. We are all in recovery of sin. RECOVERY…meaning we are all together in our unique processes, one unit moving toward the same purpose in the Almighty’s plan for us. We all have unity in how desperately we need the Father God and His excellent spirit (see my next post on an excellent spirit).
Ask the Father, “why did you create me?” Listen for the answer throughout the day.
Ask the Father, “what is the reason for my existence?” Listen for the answer throughout the day.